Boston Sax Shop Custom Soprano Reeds

Boston Sax Shop Custom Soprano Reeds

The Sax Doctor > BSS Reeds > Boston Sax Shop Custom Soprano Reeds

Price: $25

I am please to be able to offer these incredible reeds from The Boston Sax Shop for my customers.  I am now using these reeds on all of my saxophones and truly love them!  Below is a quote from Jack on these reeds.

“Designing the Boston Sax Shop reed line has been a dream of mine, stemmed from the frustration that many of us as players have searching for that ‘perfect’ reed. For years I personally struggled to find a well balanced reed that would promote a warm, homogenous tone while still allowing me to project. Most ‘jazz’ cut reeds seemed to play too ‘bright’ and ‘buzzy’ but offered the projection I needed while ‘classical’ reeds had the depth and evenness I was searching for but simply could not cut across a band. So with the help of the finest French cane manufacturer in the world, I designed a ‘hybrid’ jazz reed that had qualities of both cuts, creating a reed that did exactly what I asked; providing a warm and dark tone while still being able to be pushed.

I certainly hope you give them a try and enjoy them as much as I do!”

~Jack Finucane (Owner and Repair Technician)

Sold in boxes of 5 / MADE IN FRANCE

Sizes available – 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4

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